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Getchya Guerilla Suit

As we all “get back to business” now that SXSW is over (phew … I spent most of Sunday on my couch watching Center Stage 2: Turn it Up), there’s a really cool opportunity for someone really getting back to business: earlier this month, agency vets James Moody and Kevin Whitley announced the creation of Guerilla Suit (GS), a full-service agency dedicated to building and growing businesses in the modern age through ‘operations-tailored branding’.

To REALLY introduce the company, however, they’re throwing a contest where the winner gets all their services FREE for one lucky small business, non-profit, charity, or cause.

“We call what we do ‘operations-tailored branding,’” says Kevin Whitley, “It’s auditing HOW our clients do what they do from an operations perspective and working backward from there to ensure their brand marketing is strategically supporting the entire process. We encourage the form to follow the function until the two blend seamlessly together.”

Clients include Schering-Plough Coporation, The Mohawk Austin (Moody owns), Urbanspace Realtors, Active Life Movement, Morsels, Inc., Transmission Entertainment, Fun Fun Fun Fest (Moody co-founded), HELM handmade boots, and Bluecoat Systems.

The deadline for submissions is April 5, 2010 and the winner will be chosen on April 20th, 2010.

Guerilla Suit will offer a suite of services that include business consultation, brand development, logo and identity design, website design, market planning, and advertising … based on the needs of the business or organization that is chosen. The entire suite, excluding vendor and production costs, will be delivered at no cost to the winning client. The PROVE IT! winner will get a complete brand suit … harhar. Guerilla suit. Get it?

Enter your biz or fave cause here:

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