My first day back at CrossFit Central in .com class was fun. And by fun I mean I had to drag myself there, hated the workout, but left with a smile on my face and pep in my step. It was like the early days of .com–I was the only girl, and pullups are not my strength, so of course this comes up:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 weighted pullups (10# dumbbell between feet)
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 wallball (14#)Time: 22:06 (last)
Thank god that’s over. My hand ripped after my 5 pullups round, so then I switched to 2X pushups (much easier, obviously, but hell, I was way behind all the boys anyway). Finished it up with a 1K row at 4:12, which is S-L-O-W compared to my 8:04 2K PR from Saturday.
Just to keep this blog posted about my training, yesterday I went for a light jog around Town Lake. No time, just the pup and a friend and me jogging and talking and enjoying the sunshine. Good training 🙂