Grateful for this FULL, crazy life. Grateful for friends and family and therapy and Nali running around and a new striped sweater and my crazy employee whatsapping me while I’m at a music festival and
Mostly grateful for GEORGE STRAIT.
But also cowboy pool and Xian Noodles happy hour and Frankly strawberry lemonade vodka and Ski Shores and nights in and bagels and coffee and breakfast sandwiches and bachelor in paradise and scooters and the gym and yoga and sweet texts and ACL and mubers.
Grateful for my job and my team and my people and my house and my backyard and new plants and new baby and my upcoming art show deets coming next week and a quick trip to LA for work where I will also get to see two of my best bros and an unscheduled weekend and new restaurants and boxing and volleyball break but planning on a tournament next weekend and parties and pups and just working through things.
Just grateful. So grateful.