Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments!
- First The Wedge experience! Can you spot the tiny black dots? They’re PEOPLE. This is a 15-foot wave!! The Wedge can get so big the ground shakes when it crashes … crazy!
- New friend volleyball Sunday—sans phone. It’s interesting to (accidentally) go a whole day without a phone, wallet, or keys…
- Magical beach moments: you’re on your normal morning walk (~7am can you believe it?) when you come upon a swath of seashells just lying on the seashore…
- Speaking of can-you-believe-it-things, I got up at 5:15AM to do yoga. First time Dayton Method. It’s like Bikram with a few vinyasa poses thrown in—pigeon!—and lots of fun. Fitness Quest OC continues…
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