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Meet Derby, the Daughter Truck of Father-Daughter Trucks

Out with the MINI, in with the Tacoma!

A few years ago, my dad searched for months to find an automatic, regular cab Tacoma, and had to settle for a red one even though he didn’t want that color. We’ve called it my truck ever since, although he paid for it and it lives at his house.

Right before the end of the year, I stumbled upon a red regular cab Tacoma truck on Carvana.

Within a few hours, I had submitted my trade-in of Sir Alistair Bartholomew Kenzington Cornelious the Third and received an offer for more than I even thought he was worth and reserved my new truck for dropoff.

A week later, a very nice gentleman dropped my truck off, had me sign some paperwork at my own table, and drove away in Sir the Third. In under 20 minutes.

I LOVE my new truck. His name is Derby (he is from Kentucky).

My Carvana experience was INCREDIBLE. The truck was exactly as advertised, they took care of everything, and they were in constant contact letting me know deadlines—there’s a 7-day “free trial”—and where my registration paperwork is in the process with the state (such a hassle, and they handle it!).

If you’re in the market for a car, I highly recommend checking out Carvana. This post is not sponsored or paid, but if you use the referral link below we both get swag. The same swag. So use it or don’t, I don’t care 😉

Referral link:

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