I’m hosting a Kentucky Derby party on Saturday afternoon–more because it was a good excuse to get dressed up than because I’m super-into the Derby itself–so I set out on my buying liquor mission yesterday. Before Spec’s came to town, Costco Liquors was THE cheapest place to buy liquor (and a small selection of beer and wine). I lived in Houston for awhile, here Spec’s began, and Spec’s is the cheapest–and easiest–place to buy liquor there. But when Spec’s came to Austin last year, I wasn’t convinced it would be cheaper than Costco.
Yesterday, however, I stopped at both and was surprised to discover that Spec’s is as cheap, if not cheaper than, Costco! Granted, that’s comparing Spec’s cash discount price to Costco’s price, but the cash discount price is usually only about a dollar cheaper per twenty dollars or so (proportional to the cost of the liquor). However, on my 1.75 L bottle of Crown Royal, Costco was $2 cheaper at $41.99, whereas at Spec’s it was $43.99 cash, $45.99 charge.
BUT Costco has a limited selection and only sells the BIG bottles–which isn’t too much of a problem. Both stores offer experts with good suggestions, Spec’s obviously offers a much, much wider variety of liquors, liqueurs, mixes, mixers, not to mention beer and wine. If you need to pick up more than just liquor–liqueurs, snacks, beer, wine–Spec’s is definitely your place. But if you’re just buying a large quantity of alcohol, Costco is a good pick!
One time, I went into Spec’s on a Friday afternoon to pick up a keg for a party my brother was throwing, and I came out thirty minutes later buzzed and giggling to my annoyed brother, who’d been waiting in the car for thirty minutes. Moral of the story? Friday and Saturday afternoons, Spec’s plays host to tons of beverage samplers. It’s a fun trip to check out all the liquors, try a few different types, and all for free!
Location-wise, Costco is at 183 & Braker, whereas Spec’s is at Mopac & Breaker in ArborWalk, down south off 290/Brodie & Mopac, and on Airport Blvd. right next to Highland Mall, which could have a major impact on your decision of which store to shop.
Summary: I like them both, but maybe I’m only partial to Costco because we have a history in Austin that predates Spec’s arrival on the scene … old habits die hard?
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