I’m grateful for a relatively pain-free life, for a body that is strong and lets me do all kinds of cool shit. I’m grateful I get to go on adventures, play sports, do yoga, walk my dog, and even sit without being in pain.
Last week I had an inflamed disc, this week I have another kind of pain, and it just reminds me to be grateful that NONE of this is chronic. Thank you, body, for being fully functional and happy.
For the pain times, I love that marijuana is legal here in California (the second state in which I’ve voted to legalize, but the first in which I’ve actually explored the benefits). Topical cream is my jam, and I was fortunate enough to snag some Real Wellness by Ricky Williams CBD relief salve probably the day it was released, as it’s only been out for about a month.
It’s CBD only, and I think it actually works even better than the THC/CBD hybrid I’ve tried. I can’t recommend it enough, but it’s currently only available in California. (I will say that the jar is kind of inconvenient with its tall neck, but it works well enough to be overlooked)
Today I also had a CBD latte from Coffee Dose, a new Costa Mesa coffeeshop so hipster it hurts. The lavender oat milk latte with CBD was indeed delicious, but it was EIGHT DOLLARS ($8 US dollars). CBD ain’t cheap, yo.
(CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid, for the rookies out there … aka me)
Other things I’m grateful for: friday the 13th at Peached Tortilla, 4 td saturday, super sunday super funday, gettin’ my taxes done, triple happy hour week, shootin’ hoops, and paid sick days (so luxurious).