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Book Review: The Paleo Solution

I just finished reading The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet by Robb Wolf. As I expected, it’s quite good as an excellent primer to paleo. When I first started eating paleo, I saw a lot of the “success stories” and understood that eating paleo is generally healthy, but no one could ever explain to me why. The best I ever got was Big Mike’s “Your body runs on fat better like cars run on unleaded gas better.”

Paleo Soltuion

In The Paleo Solution, I finally learned in layman’s terms a lot of the whys I could never get answered. I learned what exactly grains do in your body and why exactly it hurt. I learned how fat and protein are converted by the body into different, erm, fuel, than grains and legumes. I already eat this way more or less, and it made me want to commit to paleo more, not less.

I also dogeared pages to share with people who, like me, get that paleo is healthy but don’t understand it completely, like my mom. I can’t wait for her to read this book. And, it’s quick to read.

Recipes from the book I can’t wait to make: apple chicken hash and curry pork!

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