You know those events that are so epic they seem like and have a reputation for having always been so? Well Beer Olympics is one of those amongst my Austin friend group, despite this year’s only being the third annual. It’s tomorrow, and I could not be more excited. I LOVE throwing this party. It’s so much fun to make the events and watch my friends compete and create just an amazing atmosphere for doing something different!
Things I’m not grateful for:
- the heat
- the heat index
- sweating (ok I might be grateful for that)
- pain during shelby massage
- responsibility, y’know
Things I am grateful for:
- my co-party-thrower
- my family! the baby and the neph
- my childhood best friend’s new babe!
- responsibility, y’know
- options and adventures
- bob
“Begin making choices based on what makes you feel freer and happier, rather than how you think an ideal life should look. It’s the process of feeling our way toward happiness, not the realization of some platonic ideal, that creates our best lives.”
Young Lys posted this 14 years ago.
I think she’s done a pretty good job of following this advice (that she did not attribute).
And it’s a brilliant reminder to This Lys, in this phase of her life where she’s engaged (!!) and successful in her career (!!), that she too should continue making freer and happier choices.