It’s only mid-March, but Aspen is experiencing an early spring, so it’s back to Nature’s Garage Gym for me! I was NOT feeling working out today, with an intense sunburn from Miami, but I did it anyway (it was the Hap for the day, and how can I not do that?)
I ran down the Rio Grande trail about a mile today to the amazing middle-of-the-woods pullup bar and completed an outdoor version of today’s CrossFit Football workout:
5 Rounds
1 strict pullup
1 pushup balanced on a stick to avoid freezing my hands off on the snowy ground (the workout called for push press but I couldn’t do HSPU balanced on the stick)
3 strict pullups
3 pushups
max rep strict pullups
max reps pushups
rest 90 seconds
A little bit less than 1 mile back of interval sprints at 30 second on-30 seconds off (ended up being 5 rounds).
It was a beautiful day, 50 degrees, and the workout ended up being fun and my shoulders are already getting sore.