When I asked you guys what you’d put in your 5×7″ canvas, I expected some loony answers, but these were even Keep Austin Weirder than I could have imagined. It was tough to choose between “Leslie’s thong. And some hermit crabs” says Jeff, who doesn’t know that I strongly dislike Leslie but do enjoy the suggestion he’s making by combining the two objects, and Tolly, the nerd who is having her own ticket giveaway to this same event but wrote “NEVER TRUST A BIG BUTT AND A SMILE.” There was some other stuff too, but that’s the important part.
Ultimately, however, I have to reward KENDRA for her probably really honest answer: “Some major bling! Anything that small has got to shine. I’d fill that space with a serious splattering of golds, silvers, coppers and pewters.” The girl nailed two things: I love bling, and I love the show Kendra (as in former Hef girlfriend and Girl Next Door, now married to tight end Hank Baskett). Sure, she didn’t know her name was actually going to play a vital role in this decision, but that’s okay. Plus I think Kendra Baskett would approve of a bling-filled 5×7 square.
For the rest of you, $30 ain’t bad for a Friday night party. Get tix www.arthousetexas.org or 512.453.5312