you are my celebrity

And then I knocked my tooth loose

I did the warmup (200 jumprope jumps, 500 M row, 20 back extensions, 20 GHD situps, 20 squats) and the pre-WOD workout (5 x 5 Renegade Rows, 2 rounds at 15# dumbells, 3 at 20# dumbells). I was going to take on the WOD with the rest of the class when I realized the two other girls were doing something different. I asked Nick what they were doing and he said, “They’re training for Sectionals.” Dude, so I am!

So I switched over to their WOD, the Midwest Sectionals WOD 1, called Air Force:

Women’s weight = 65#
20 Thruster
20 OH squat
20 Front Squat
20 Back Squat
4 burpees every minute on the minute

I was pretty psyched to do it, and thought I’d probably rip through–conditioning feeling good, excited about my squats … they’re ready to go, so I pick up the bar quickly to test out a thruster and immediately THRUST THE BAR INTO MY CHIN.

Knocking one of my bottom teeth loose.

The thruster is quite the explosive movement, and I just exploded 65 pounds into my jaw.

In high school, I lost a front tooth to an elbow in basketball my senior year and had to have gum braces. GUM BRACES. Imagine the horror. Followed by a root canal and tooth-bleaching.

I immediately assume the worst. More gum braces flash through my mind. As does driving to a hospital in a snowstorm.

One of the other girls tells me the tooth will probably “tighten back up.”


One of the guys pulls out the yellow pages and starts calling dentists. Bless Thaddeus*. He finally gets one on the phone, and Dr. Herschel Ross** takes the after-hours call from the girl who lifted a 65-pound bar into her chin and loosened one of her teeth. He talks me through all the possible scenarios but decides from the fact that there’s no pain and very little wiggling that the gum might just indeed “tighten up” and push the tooth back into its rightful socket.

Cosmetically, he cautions, it might not be as perfect as when you had braces …

Thanks a lot, CrossFit. Instead of having some sort of cool hardcore CrossFit scar I can brag about, I am just going to have white trash teeth.

*Thaddeus is married to Kenzie. Are their names from different eras or what?! But they are both super sweet and I want to be their friend.

**I cannot for the life of me find a website for Dr. Ross, but if you are ever in Aspen, Basalt, Carbondale, wherever and need a dentist, for the love, go to this man. He is awesome.

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