you are my celebrity

Adult Kiddie Pool | Feel Good Friday 072619

I cannot wait to do nothing this weekend.

Summer of the claw

However, I am grateful for all the fun we had last weekend, and for besties who assume other besties are coming too even if they’ve only met once.

… and grateful for the sleep I got to catch up on this week and will continue to get. Grateful for my aunt and uncle in town, who I LOVE. For the summer burn yoga challenge, which is giving me some extra motivation to attend yoga when it’s just not convenient. For Hyde Park gym, where it’s okay to put your head down and not talk to anyone, or stop for an extended period of time for a chat. For biking to work in unseasonably cool temperatures, for friends who attend alumni happy hours for a school they didn’t attend just to support me, for work flexibility and latitude, for taking care of the damn diva cats next door because it means I live next door to my brother, for a close coworker’s health, for hilarious broccoli texts from my old work wife, for memories of turkey leg jousts (miss you), and for someone who will stop me in the middle of a street in the middle of a tizzy to address the root of the problem. Thanks, people and places, for being awesome.

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