you are my celebrity

38 Reframes After 37 But Before 38

As I sit down to think about what I want from the coming birthday year, I’m struck by how happy I am right now. How much growth I’ve been through personally in the past year-and-a-half and how much I’ve owned who I am and who I want to be. One of the ways I’ve been able to do that is the practice of reframing situations, feelings, problems, challenges … and so, this list will not be a list of things I want to do in the coming year, but a list of ways I want to feel and see the world in the coming year.

  1. Reframe this “to do” list as helpful in identifying what’s important to me and what activities align with my values
  2. My blog is a joy, delight, and not at all necessary as a part of my identity
  3. Being the best aunt possible is really important to me
  4. Babysit the shit out of that baby … that is, be available for the neighbros how they need me to show up for them
  5. I want to enjoy a second community in a mountain town I love, not only as an investment but as a space for myself
  6. Automate finances and budget isn’t a chore but a way to free up mind space
  7. My upcoming business podcast is an incredible opportunity to continue to shape my industry and define my own success
  8. I love my body RIGHT NOW
  9. Playing fantasy football keeps me connected to friends—winning is just the a bonus
  10. Getting better at volleyball is an opportunity but not an obligation
  11. Playing volleyball tournaments is a fun thing to do on the weekends but also not an obligation (play 3)
  12. I’m not a rookie volleyball player anymore
  13. Keeping Nali comfortable is a priority (and that includes fixing her skin)
  14. Keeping the truck clean is important to me (get a vacuum gun for vacuuming truck so it’s easier than driving to my parents’ house)
  15. Spend more time with my parents—I’m so lucky to live so close to them
  16. While gardening isn’t a hobby, I do like my house to look good and put together (make front bed look better – annuals? Replacement fruit trees?)
  17. Love on DC babies, Aspen babies, Chicago babies as reflections of some of my oldest friendships
  18. Eat at friend’s restaurant Bosa Bend whilst finally visiting my Marriage Certificate Trio (support, connection).
  19. Reconnect with nature in Texas because it’s important to me and I haven’t prioritized it in the past (camp at least two nights)
  20. Speak conversational Portuguese (because communicating with my Brazilian-heritage nephew will be important)
  21. What an incredible (scary) opportunity: host two weekends of studio tours/art shows!
  22. I get to learn new skills around art lighting, hanging canvases, not being shy about my art …
  23. Grateful for external recognition… Sell art to a stranger?
  24. Enjoy the fruits of my labor: spend as much of the fall in my hammock as possible
  25. FINALLY see George Strait in concert because better late than never
  26. Develop further my executive skills (formerly: Get more organized at work (read: show more reports to execs))
  27. Continue vulnerability pursuits: write more “emotional” experiential blog posts/pieces
  28. Share vulnerability with all relationships to deepen them
  29. Skiing and keeping my connection to the mountains alive is a priority: book 2+ ski trips (hello mountain collective)
  30. Lazy time and spontaneity are important
  31. Schedule only two things per weekend to protect unstructured time
  32. Keep playing pickup football because I love the sport and the people, so schedule only one thing per weekend
  33. Enjoy football Sunday in a different way than last year because priorities are different
  34. Recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate priority shifts
  35. Continue to edit and moderate so I can continue to consume only what I love…
  36. … across friends, clothes, food, and booze
  37. Host a dinner party: connecting with smaller groups of people is a way I want to experiment with connecting
  38. Trust myself, and who I am, and who I’m becoming

Other years: 3736 / 35 / 31 / 30

girl on boat

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