The day after I published last year’s word, my world was turned upside down. Confidence? A painfully ironic word.
But like all things do, this DID turn into a year of confidence, where I was tested well beyond my perceived limits and emerged stronger, happier, and more at peace with myself.
Confidence indeed.
As I look forward to 2021, it’s hard to predict anything. I’m not one of those “2021 is gonna be better!” people because I’m not sure that it is: I don’t think governments easily return power to people, and I’m uncomfortable with the amount of power our governments have taken throughout the pandemic. So even if the vaccine eliminates the threat of the virus (which isn’t actually possible—seasonal flu anyone?—but we’re going with the hypothetical here), I fear for the constitutional rights and ideals I hold dear.
Nonetheless, a word must be picked and as you can see in the title, 2021 is The Year of Grace.
Naturally, I will come to find out what that truly means in the next 365 days, but for now it means patience, kindness, peace, and acceptance. It means acting with grace, giving myself grace, giving others grace. It means I just might ty to give the woman whose relentless pursuit of perfection has served her well just a little room to relax into who she has fought so hard to become…
After all, that confident 2020 resulted in some seriously major life things:
- Had a piece in my first art show
- Landed a VP job
- Lost a love
- Launched a podcast
- Gained a sister
- Made a new group of friends
2020 Good Stuff
Travel: LOLz pandemic. Still: Aspen, Jackson Hole, Mammoth, Padre, Scottsdale, OC, Big Bend State Park, Brazil, OC.
Self: A new photographer in the fam meant a lot more pictures of myself, with a hairstyle I haven’t had in over two decades… which meant a lot of analysis and subsequent understanding of how I see myself and how others see me. Here are too many but nonetheless my favorite photos of myself.
from the get the goods page, treat yoself to my curated list of the best: